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Obama’s got Style

Whether you like him or not, you have to admit that Obama knows how to campaign. (It’s probably the only thing he is good at, but I digress.)

Obama, with one ruling, is turning this election away from economics to social issues. It’s a very smart move, since even bad statistics won’t be able to help him in November. The new decision that Obamacare will cover contraception is a brilliant move. I’m not saying I like it, or that I think its in anyway shape or form a good decision.Looking at it from a campaign point of view though, you start to see what he is trying to do. He is trying to rally his social liberal troops into action. He knows that nothing gets the Left riled up like bashing Christianity. Obama isn’t just bashing Christianity, he is taking the fight to it’s doorsteps. The Left is going to eat it up.

The Left hates Christians. Even if they are Christians themselves, they hate the idea that the Church can dictate what a person can or can’t do. They’d much rather have the State do that. Hypocrites….I know they are, they don’t see it that way though. The contraception ruling also plays into the Pro-Choice vs Pro-life Wedge that has plagued American politics for decades. Obama and the Democrats will try to tie Pro-Choice with contraception as well. This will rally the base on two fronts; Abortion and Religion.

Now all Obama has to do is change his position on Gay Marriage and he’ll have the trifecta of Liberal Social Issues. There is no better way to fool his base into voting for him.


  1. Ferd Berfle
    February 15, 2012 at 18:22

    Zombie: Here’s a big thumbs up to you for posting this over yonder as well as here. I really enjoy your commentary and agree with just about everything you opine on . Please keep up the good work as we need people like you who are intelligent, informed and can put together multi-syllabic words without missing a beat.

    Hat’s off to you.


  1. February 13, 2012 at 18:51

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